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National Federation of Glaziers was founded in 1991 to promote best and fair practice in the
Glazing industry, and is a Trade and Consumer Federation..

Its members are thoroughly vetted before acceptance and may be relied upon to provide proper and professional advice on all aspects of glazing, and to carry out glazing work to the highest standards.

We are a Social Business - click here for full information

Find a Glazier
If you are looking for a reputable Glazier that you can trust and who is near to you then please click here
and send us your Name, Address (including your postcode), your telephone number and we will come back
to you as soon as possible with someone you can trust and who is a member of the National Federation
of Glaziers

Advantages of using a member of the Federation
All customers using a members have access to the Contract Deposit Guarantee Scheme which will
cover your deposit should an installer cease to trade after you have paid a deposit, but before they have
completed the work. This must be arranged when the contract is signed.

All installers are bound to the terms of the Commitment to Good Practice issued by the Federation, which covers:

Advertising and Sales Promotions, Quotations and Sales Presentations, Contract, Installations, Guarantees,
Customer Service, Disputes, Deposits, Good Business Practice

The Federation has an Installation Charter, (click here for a free copy) which provides a sound basis for conduct
of work in domestic premises.

All members have access to Guarantee Insurance and Deposit Indemnity Schemes , which will protect the
Consumer in the event of the demise of the installer.

In the event of a dispute between a consumer and a Member, the Federation will initially liaise with both the
consumer and Member. If this fails to bring about a satisfactory resolution, a Conciliation Scheme is also
available through the Federation, saving expense and time-consuming litigation.

It is recognised that all business is based upon natural principles of trust and goodwill and or Members are
obliged to serve their customers, and through them the community, in an ethical and honest manner.

Information and Guides
The Federations is also able to offer any advice on all aspects of glazing, has contact with other organisations
such as the British Standards Institution (BSI) and Building Research Establishment (BRE), and publishes
leaflets on various aspects of glazing. We are actively engaged in the development of glazing standards and
provide advice to both our Members and the Consumer in these matters.

For an recent article explaining the ethos of the Federation please click here.

To view or privacy policy please click here

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